I have this weird affinity and connection with 3 African countries, that always seems to make me wonder.
1. The DRC - ever since I can remember I have had a very weird dream to go and be a missionary there for at least a year, that dream hasn't come true yet ( mostly because I have been too busy pursing other things...#hangsheadinshame) but i am really praying that it happens before I turn 30.
2. Nigeria - Nigeria, Lagos in particular, is the first place I would visit if i had the opportunity to. I mean 16 million people (mostly black people) in 1 place , this I got to see.
The central business district of Lagos Island |
3.Angola - Okay my reasons fo wanting to go here are a bit shallow...I think they have the hottest men in Sourthern Africa by far ( Do not judge me). They also apparently have some of the best beaches and natural landscapes around.
Angolian Beach |
One day is one day
Photos courtesy of: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=650332